Since our tuition costs are so low, once a student has paid for a course or has registered we DO NOT offer ANY financial refunds or cancellations. Immediately upon your payment, our professors get paid, as do our office staff for their contributions to your education. When you click to make a payment, you are acknowledging that you have read this statement and are in full agreement. We put this statement here to make sure there are no miscommunications. ALL payments are made via PayPal.


Important notes about your application

1) Upon paying the application fee of $75, you will be automatically redirected to the STEPS TO ENROL page. Please DO NOT close the window, as redirection may take a few moments. Read through the steps, you may like to bookmark the page for future reference. Please fill out the application and click SUBMIT. In the event that you experience a problem please contact us via email or LIVE CHAT.


2) Once you have completed the application you will receive an automatically generated email from Admissions. If you do not receive this email, and do not see it in your spam folder, please contact us via email or LIVE CHAT.