
Masters in Ministry

The Master of Ministry degree is for the graduate, offering a unique opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, while synthesizing understanding of the real-world issues that affect the Christian walk and the church today


A total of 30 Credits/Hours is required, consisting of 5 core subjects, 1 elective (18 credits) + 10,000 word thesis (12 credits).


Unit Code CORE Unit Title Credit Points/Hours
MIN 400 Personal & Church Evangelism 3
BIB 400 Church History 1: Early & Medieval 3
BIB 401 Church History 2: Reformation and Modern 3
THE 400 The theology of “The Worship of God” 3
RES 400 Thesis Writing 1 3
PSY 702 The relation of sin and psychological behaviour 3
BIB 402 The Book of Isaiah 3
BIB 403 The Book of Job 3
BUS 401 Church Administration 3
Electives Choose ONE of the following:
BUS 400 Organizational Culture 3
COU 400 Marriage & Family Counselling 3